Friday 10 January 2020

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday. I had a lovely break and have come back looking forward to the new term – I always love to watch the change in the weather this term going from dull and grey to bright and sunny as Spring arrives (at least I always hope that this is going to happen but you can never rely on the British weather).

As always, the children have settled back well into school and Christmas appears to be a dim and distant memory to them. They have all come back looking very smart so I thank you for getting them all so well prepared for their return.  However, may I remind you all that jewellery is not allowed and the only accessory the children should be wearing is a watch. I have noticed that some girls have been wearing earrings for a full term and even if they were newly pierced in September the earrings should be able to be taken out now.

All the extra-curricular clubs start again next week which is good because I always think they bring great atmosphere into the school. I have got a couple of early meetings next week so I will not be on the gate on Monday or Tuesday morning but I will be in school later on both days. I hope you all have a great weekend – I am looking forward to a more sedate weekend after all the excitement of the Christmas holidays.

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