Friday 14 February 2020

I feel that I do not need to write this blog to inform you of what has happened in school because we have had a lot of parents in school this week. On Monday we had a Sharing Assembly and lots of parents were in school to see their children present work that they were proud of. I know each child only does this once a year but they do get excited when they know their parents are coming into school to see something they have done. It is also good to see parents being very supportive of all the children and not just their own because it is nerve-wracking to present your work in front of a large crowd and it is good to have a strong positive vibe when you do it. Presenting to a large crowd though is a good life skill to master which is why we have the children do this.

On Wednesday we had our Open Afternoon and loads of parents came into school to see their child’s learning from the last half term. Although it has been a short half term the children have covered a lot of learning and I know that this is another event the children really look forward to as they are proud to share their work with their parents. I have got lots of positive feedback from that event but if you do have any queries after seeing your child’s work please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or myself.

Although it has been cold recently this has not stopped the children taking off their coats and jackets outside when they get hot from running around. This in itself is not a problem but when we try to return them to the correct children we are still finding many items with no name labels inside. Can I please ask that over the half term holiday that you check your children’s uniform to ensure that all items are clearly labelled?

We now have the half term holiday to look forward to. I cannot believe that the last holiday we had was Christmas as that seems a long time ago and yet it was only six weeks since we started the new term. I hope you all have a great time and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 24th February.

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