Friday 26 April 2019

I always start my blog after a holiday by saying how quickly everyone has settled back into the normal school routine and it has been exactly the same this term – you would think that we had never been away. However, I did have a lovely holiday and the wonderful weather that we had over the Easter weekend helped us have a great end to our break – I just hope that we have more weather like that this term because it does help to make everyone feel better.

You may have noticed that we have had some more work done to the school during the Easter break. The majority of the windows in the old part of the building have all been repaired and painted and the train in the infant playground has been removed and a new piece of equipment will be installed next week. Work on the windows in the rest of the school will start over the first bank holiday weekend and should be finished by June. I have been thinking that with all the work that we have had done to the school it would almost have been cheaper to knock it down and start again but the powers that be decided differently. When all the windows have been completed we will be doing some more internal decorating in the summer holiday and then hopefully, when we come back in September, we should not require any major alterations and we can have a school year free from disruptions.

Next week all the clubs start again which really adds a buzz to school life - there are many new clubs in the summer term so make sure you have signed your child up for the activities they wish to attend on the School Gateway. On Monday representatives from Thameslink and Great Northern will be talking to most of the children about how to stay staff when they are using the railway. We also have class photographs being taken on Tuesday –  you may want to make sure that your child looks extra smart on that day. Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

Friday 5 April 2019

I must admit that I am glad that it is the end of term because I am ready for a break. I think because the clocks went forward an hour on Sunday and then we have had such a busy week in school I am ready to just collapse – I think that a lot of the children feel that way as well. However, as far as the end of term goes, it has been a fabulous week to finish on.

We started the week with our Sharing assembly where all the children shared work that they felt proud of. Then, on Tuesday night I went to the Wyllyots Theatre to watch some of the children take part in a music evening with children from other Potters Bar schools. It was based around the theme of space and it was an excellent evening –I certainly hope that we have more concerts like that in the future. I would like to praise all the children for how well they did and I would like to thank Mrs Robinson and Miss Bradford for giving up their free time to help prepare them for such a marvellous event.

We have also had our own big production in school this week as Years 3,4 & 5 have been performing in ‘Rock Bottom’. It has been a great show and everyone has been coming to tell me how much they enjoyed it. The children did an excellent job and they really did the school proud with their performance. I would also like to thank all the staff in Years 3, 4 and 5 for all their hard work in putting the show together, especially Miss Davis and Miss Bradford who co-ordinated the whole production.  

You will have read in our newsletter what a big success the PTA Easter Egg Hunt was last week. They managed to raise over five hundred and sixty pounds for the school which is brilliant. As well as that though all the children had a really good time and it was a lovely way to end a Friday afternoon. I was very happy because I won four chocolate eggs on the tombola –I will have to wait to eat them though because I have given up chocolate for Lent. I would like to thank all the PTA for organising the event and to thank them for their continued hard work for the school.

Have a great Easter break. Let us hope that the weather is good and I look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday, 24th April.