Friday, 17 January 2025

I am so pleased to be writing my blog this week going into the weekend with a noticeable rise in temperature from this time last week. It certainly makes it easier to get out and about at the weekend when we’re not faced with sub-zero temperatures!

The week has passed by as quickly as ever and as I mentioned last week was to be the case, we did not have too much going on out of the ordinary this week. We did have some of our ex-pupils in school today doing their Year 7 work experience and it is always a pleasure to welcome them back and nice to know that they had such a positive experience when they were here that they want to return when given an opportunity. It was equally nice to see those who had come to watch their younger siblings in their class assembly before going off to work in their respective workplaces.

The main notable event of the week happened this morning and that was our Year 4 class assembly alluded to above. The children shared lots of learning that they have done so far this year and they presented it in a very humorous and entertaining way! From the work that the children had completed on The Iron Man in English to the Pablo Picasso-inspired portraits that they had created in their art lessons, it was clear to see how much the children have learned during their time in school so far this year. The times tables rock metal song that they sang –acapella I might add –had the audience joining in and highlighted how we try to provide as many opportunities as possible across the school for the children to learn in different ways.

Earlier on this afternoon, I had the pleasure of seeing some of the children from the other end of the school –our Foundation Stage –whizzing around the main playground on their balance bikes and trikes. The wonderful learning that takes place in Key Stage 1 and 2 all starts with the basics being mastered in Nursery and Reception and seeing how confident the children were on 2 or 3 wheels shows how well they have started and shows great potential for the future.

One thing I forgot to mention in my blog last week that was happening this week was the Year 5 and 6 boys’ football matches that took place yesterday. Unfortunately, we lost one game and drew the other one but it is the taking part that counts and I want to thank the boys who turned up to play for their dedication. Next week, we have a girls’ football tournament taking place on Thursday morning and a netball match taking place later that afternoon so I want to wish all of those taking part in these, the very best of luck!

Have a good weekend everyone.

Friday, 10 January 2025

So here we are at the end of the first week back and while it was only a short one, it does feel like we have been back forever already! I must admit that I am very glad that we managed to get through the whole week without any disruption to the school day caused by the weather; when the snow started to come down fairly heavily whilst I was leading the assembly on Tuesday morning, I did have a moment where I thought it might do but alas it wasn’t to be and we have had a good 4 days of learning.

I will keep my blog very brief this week as there is nothing planned out of the ordinary to report next week, but we do have the Year 4 class assembly to look forward to next Friday. If your child is in Year 4 then I am sure that they will be chomping at the bit to share all of the wonderful work that I know that they have been doing with Mr Chanter and Mrs Friedmann and we look forward to welcoming you to see this on Friday morning.

It is due to be another very chilly one this weekend, but try not to let this keep you indoors too much as fresh air is so good for our mental wellbeing.