So here we are at the end of the first week back after the half term break. Although it probably feels like a distant memory already, I trust that everyone had a good break. I know that some of you managed to get away to sunnier climes but even if you did not, for the most part, the weather seemed to hold out here and so I hope that you managed to get out and about.
those of you who managed to make it to our Fireworks event, I am sure that you
enjoyed the fantastic display as much as I did. That last firework in
particular was amazing and seems to
have stuck in other people’s minds too because I have spoken to many people
about it this week! I know that an email went out from the PTA earlier today,
but I am very pleased to say that the total money raised was £9616.81
which is an absolutely incredible amount of money that will really help to make
a difference to the children in the school. We will be sending out some
information soon about how the money raised is spent in school to improve the
provision and outcomes for all of our children. I want to
say thank you to all those who came along and supported the event, but in
particular I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of those
involved, who gave up their time to ensure that the whole thing was such a
success –you know who you are!
are 3 significant events happening in school next week. First of all, Monday is
Remembrance Day and we will be following a minute’s silence with all of the
children in the school to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice
in armed conflicts over the years. We are very grateful to all those children
who have donated to the RBL Poppy Appeal so far and there are still some poppy
related items left to purchase for anyone who has not managed to do so yet. I
will inform you all about the amount raised once we find out from RBL after it
has been sent off to be counted.
is also anti-bullying week next week, which will involve the children taking
part in activities in class to learn all about the issue to help to try and stamp
bullying out in school once and for all! As part of this, on Tuesday, we
encourage all of our school community (parents and teachers included!) to wear
odd socks for the day. This is an initiative which was started in 2017 by Andy
from CBBC and will be discussed with the children in school.
next Friday is Children in Need day. I know that a message has gone out already
about this but the children are all encouraged to wear their own clothes –with a
spotty theme –in return for bringing in a donation of a pound. I am always very
aware that we regularly ask for donations for various charities, but I am
always equally impressed at how generous everyone is and it makes me very proud
to see how much we are able to raise for such good causes and I thank you in
advance for your continued support with this.
all from me for now. Have a great weekend and we will see you all again on
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