Friday, 7 February 2025

I want to start by apologising for not updating my blog for the last couple of weeks, but I’m pleased to be writing this again to share some of the things that have been going on in school.

The week started off with the latest one of our sharing assemblies. It is always pleasing to see the range of subjects and topics that the children choose to share with the school and their parents and this week was no exception, with a great variety of work shared by those children who took part. It continues to be clear that good learning is taking place in all classes and it is wonderful to hear this from the children themselves as they share the work that they’re particularly proud of.

On Wednesday, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Lawrence took a group of children to the o2 to perform in the annual Young Voices event, ably assisted by Mr Mills. I was due to attend with them and I was really looking forward to it but unfortunately I had to swap at the last minute with Mr Mills which I was very disappointed about. I know from speaking to the children who attended though, as well as the teachers, that it was an amazing day and we had quite a few hoarse voices yesterday so they were clearly singing loudly among the thousands of other children who were there. The fact that we were allocated a space right at the front this year was extra special and there are some awesome pictures to be shared on my blog next week. I also hear on the grapevine that there was a picture of Mr Mills on the big screen that somebody managed to snap so I’m hoping to get a copy of that to share here too. I want to thank all of the teachers who took the children, because without them, we could not attend, but also I want to thank the children who went for taking part and representing our school.  

We are into the last week of the half term already next week and there is quite a lot going on. This week was officially Children’s Mental Health week, but due to timetabling here, we decided to mark this in school next week instead. Tuesday is Safer Internet Day so the children will be carrying out activities related to this. The same day, Year 3 are off on a visit to Celtic Harmony and Year 2 are off to Christchurch for a visit related to their RE lessons. On Wednesday, we have our Open Afternoon for parents to come and see and share the work that your children have been doing and we have Friendship Groups taking place on Thursday morning. Finally, on Friday we have ‘Crazy Hair Day’ so we look forward to seeing the wacky creations that the children decide upon!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all again on Monday.


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