Friday, 7 March 2025

I want to start by saying how fantastic it was to see all of the children in their wonderful costumes today celebrating World Book Day. The day started off with an assembly from the author Camilla Chester who was equally as impressed with the costumes as we were and then she spent the rest of the day leading workshops with the children that I hope that they were inspired by. As well as this, the writing activities that the children completed across the day and the character scavenger hunt that took place during break and lunchtime really seemed to engage the children which was great to see and lots of fun was had!

As mentioned in my blog last week, to get the children all enthused for Science Week, Wednesday and Thursday saw the children taking part in Science workshops related to electricity. I sat in on the Year 3 workshop and even I was amazed with what the children got to explore and investigate and once again, watching how much fun the children were having, it was clear that this really brought the learning to life and I am sure that they all got a lot out of the workshops.

The fun continues on Monday of next week, as the children will be kicking off Science Week with a Planetarium workshop which will no doubt cause a lot of excitement and once again, I am sure will also lead to some high quality learning. The children will continue to complete science activities in class throughout the week also, further enriching their scientific skills and knowledge, so there is plenty for the children to look forward to next week as well.

In the meantime, let’s hope that the sun continues to shine outside as it really does put a spring in the step -have a good weekend!


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