Friday 12 July 2024

 School has been a hive of activity today as preparations have been taking place for our PTA Summer Event this afternoon. The children have been very excited all day in anticipation of this event and I know that they will have a good time this afternoon when school has finished and they can go and try all of the activities. We were worried at the beginning of the week as to how the event would be as the weather forecast was not good but thankfully it has not rained which always helps to make it a much more enjoyable experience for everyone attending.

I am sure that, like us, you are all in countdown mode as it is only one week until the summer holidays and I am sure, like us, you are looking forward to the break. For me it will be my last week as a head teacher so it is going to be tinged with some sadness but I am determined to enjoy it because it will be the last time I have the end of term experience. It is so busy in school though that I am sure the week is going to fly by.

Next week is all about the Year 6 as it is their last week with us. On Wednesday they are performing their end of year production for the school before they perform it to their parents on Thursday night. On Friday morning it is their Leavers Assembly which is always an emotional experience where we share their experiences and memories of Little Heath with the whole school. After that they have their Leavers Party to look forward to on Friday night. It is always sad when our Year 6 leave us but we do hope that they feel well prepared for the next stage of their education and that they take lots of happy memories of Little Heath with them.

I hope you have a great weekend. I do not know what your plans are but for those of you who are sport fans there is a lot to watch what with the Wimbledon finals and England football team being in the final of the Euros – something we did not think possible a couple of weeks ago. We may all be celebrating on Monday morning if we do win –I know that there will certainly be big celebrations in my house if that happens. As you know we are having a soft opening on Monday and the children do not have to be in until 10.00am although we will still be open at the usual time. Let us see what the weekend brings.

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