Friday 19 July 2024

 As I predicted in my last blog this week has passed in a blur and not only is it the end of term but also the end of my working life. I have thought about this day over the years and I feel totally different to how I imagined I would. I cannot quite believe that it is all over and I do not think that I will realise that it is until September when I do not have to start a school year again. I just hope I do not get in the car and drive over here –that would be embarrassing!

I have had a lovely week though and I would like to thank everyone who has helped to make it that. It actually started last Friday when I was presented with my lovely gifts from the parents at the school Summer Event. It was a lovely surprise and I would like to thank everyone who contributed towards my presents. I received some lovely jewellery, some wine, chocolates and a John Lewis voucher. During this week I have had a lot of people that I used to work with dropping in to say goodbye which has been lovely. Then yesterday I was treated to a wonderful assembly when all the classes put on a little act to say goodbye to me. It was really touching and a lovely thing to do and has given me another lovely memory of Little Heath. This was followed by the annual Teachers versus Year 6 Rounders match and I am really pleased to say that the teachers won this year – that is certainly a good memory for me to take with me.

I have touched upon the Year 6 and I think that it is important for me to mention them because today is their last day as well and we will be sad to see them go. Last night they treated all their families and friends to their end of year performance which was called ‘We’re all Going on a Summer Holiday.’ They really did themselves proud and I know everyone who watched it thought it was an excellent performance. This morning we had their ‘Leavers Assembly’ which was even more poignant than usual for me because it will be the last one that I will ever see.  At the moment preparations are in place for the ‘Leavers Parade’ when the whole school come together to clap the Year 6 off the premises and I will be joining them this year because I am leaving – I just hope that I do not get too emotional as I pass through all of the children.

All that is left for me to say, for the last time, is that I hope you all have a wonderful summer. It has been an absolute pleasure to work at Little Heath but I am ready for the next chapter of my life. I wish you all every success for the future and I leave happy knowing that I am leaving the future of Little Heath Primary School in the very capable hands of Mr Gradwell.

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