Friday 20 September 2024

So here we are at the end of our third week already! I was very pleased to see the sun shining this afternoon and it certainly seemed to put a spring in everyone’s step as the children left to go home for the weekend. Looking ahead at the forecast, I believe we’re in for more of the same tomorrow, so do get outside as much as you can before the weather turns chillier as we head into autumn.

Today, the children were all looking particularly smart, as of course it was individual photo day. Whilst this does cause some minor disruption to lessons, I was very pleased to hear that everything went smoothly without a hitch and the photographer was very complementary about the behaviour of our children so well done to them for being respectful, ready and safe, which I hope your children have mentioned to you are our values here at school.

It has been a pleasure getting to speak to more and more of you whilst I have been on the gate in the morning (and on the occasions that I have made it out in the afternoon) and I aim to be able to get outside at the end of the day more frequently as I settle into the role. I know that Mr Chanter has also had a chance to meet some of you in the mornings and there will be more opportunities over the coming weeks to stop and say hello if you have not already had the chance to do so. As well as this, if your child is in Reception or Year 1, there will be a further chance to meet myself, Mr Chanter and Mrs Robinson as well, at our phonics parents’ evening so whether we see you there or on the gate it will be nice to meet you and have a chat.

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