Friday 10 May 2024

 I feel like I should be starting this blog with a fanfare because, at last, we have some SUNSHINE! After the recent deluge of rain that we have been experiencing it makes such a lovely change to have some warmth and to not have to wear a coat. Apparently it is not going to last so we are going to have to make the most of it while we have it.

Year 5 have been on their annual residential to Lincolnsfield so the good weather has certainly been appreciated by them. They all appear to have had a great time and all looked slightly dishevelled and a little tired on their return which is the norm for these types of trips. I know that as parents you all appreciate the time that the teachers give up to make these trips possible and I am sure that you will join me in thanking Mrs Cresswell, Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Reynolds for making this trip possible. Apparently the children slept quite well on this trip so they did manage to get some rest whilst they were away.

Year 4 have been away again this week as well as they went to the Mariners Base in Cheshunt to experience some water activities and archery. This is one of the trips that we use the Sports Premium money for to help expand the sporting provision that we provide for the children and so far, they have all really enjoyed their experiences. If your child has not been on one of these trips yet they will be soon as we have some more booked at different centres in the coming weeks.

Next week in school is the week that all Year 6 children dread as it is SATs Week. The children have been well prepared for this week by Mr Gradwell and if you are a Year 6 parent all you have to do next week is ensure that they get to bed at a reasonable time and reassure them that everything is going to be fine if they start to worry about the tests. I always find that the children find that the tests themselves were not as bad as they were expecting and that the week was more enjoyable than they were anticipating.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. If I was you I would make sure that I get out in the sunshine as much as you can because the rain is due to return next week. Come Monday morning we could all be in raincoats again.


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