Friday 17 May 2024

 I normally start my blog by saying how quickly the week has passed by but I can honestly say that has not been the case this week – I feel as though I have been at school for at least a month. The man who inspected us was a very nice man who was passionate about education and we could not complain about how he conducted the inspection. As I explained in my newsletter Ofsted do not like us to share the outcome until the report is officially published so I am afraid you will have to wait a couple of weeks until we can share how we did with you.

We did have a lovely end to the week though as we had the Year 1 Assembly this week. We did think of cancelling it at one point as the children did not have as much time to prepare as we would have liked but I am glad that we did not as the class gave us a lovely assembly. They all presented learning that they have covered over the year and it was lovely to see how well they are doing –they should all be very proud of themselves. I would also like to thank Mrs Flatley, Mrs Blatch and Mrs Rexhaj for the support they have given them in preparing the assembly during a very busy week.

Next week is also a very busy week in school but we do have the half term to look forward to at the end of it. On Monday we have a Sharing Assembly and if your child is taking part you will have been informed by now. Year 2 and Year 3 are spending a day at ‘Go Ape’ next week and we have the Open Afternoon on Wednesday from 3.00pm – 4.30pm so you can come and share the learning your child has done over the last half term. We are ending the week with Oakmere Mini-marathon on Friday in which all the KS2 children take part. This is a great community event in which most of the local schools take part and it is a great way to end the half term.

I hope you all have a great weekend – I know that I am certainly looking forward to being able to switch-off. I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

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