Friday 24 May 2024

 I am happy to report that this week has flown by much more quickly than last week –and we have the half term holiday to look forward to as well. Even though we have not had special visitors in school this week it has still been an action-packed week in school. This morning I have been with the KS2 at Oakmere Primary School for their annual mini-marathon event. We love taking part in this as it is a real community event and I think it is a great way to bring all the schools together. I am quite disappointed that it will be the last time that I attend one.

As you will have seen from my newsletter we are having problems with cars parking in front of the school again. We have requested that you do not do this as it is dangerous for the families who are walking to and from school. One mother contacted me very distressed this week as her younger child had nearly been knocked over on their journey to school. People make the excuse that they do not have enough time and need to park close to the school but those people need to come five minutes earlier so they have time to park a little further from the school and then walk the short distance to pick up their child. In school as part of our British Values we teach the importance of the ‘Rule of Law’ and why we need to follow laws to help keep us safe. How can we expect children to adhere to this if their parents are not setting that example?  As I have said before we do not want a child to be injured (or worse) before parents’ start following our request.

I am also going to apologise again for having to change the date of the ‘Talent Night’ twice. I originally changed it as it was not giving the Year 6 much time to prepare for the show after their school journey and, as I explained in my newsletter, I forgot about the European Championships even though my husband will be attending some of football matches as part of his job. This has never happened before and as I am leaving in July it should never happen again. I am sure that the night will still be a great success as it has been in the past.

As I said at the beginning of my blog it is the half term holiday next week so I hope you all have a great time and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 3rd June.

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