Friday 28 June 2024

 I am typing this watching some very busy Year 6 pupils prepare for the ‘The Apprentice.’ The Year 6 always get very excited by this event and the rest of the school gets very excited waiting to see what all the stalls are going to be. As I have explained before the winning stall is the one that raises the most money and I will inform you which stall won next week. All profits from this event do go to a charity chosen by the children.

It has been a busy week in school because we have had parent consultations. Although this is a lot of work for the staff they are pleased to catch up with parents because they know that the better informed parents are about their child the better able they are able to support them which then benefits the school. All the parents that I have spoken to appear to be very happy with how their child is progressing and that is always good news for us. I have to say though I would be surprised if I did get a lot of complaints because I am sure that as caring parents if you were not happy with how we were supporting your child you would take them to another establishment

I looked at the calendar today and I cannot believe that it is only 3 weeks until I leave. Time appears to have flown since I made my announcement back in January and now the end is nigh –I do not think that I will actually believe that it is all over until it is September and I do not have to return to Little Heath.

Next week we have another exciting Friday in school because it is the PTA ‘ Break the Rules’ day when the children can exchange some of the items they normally wear for those that are normally disallowed such as coloured socks and nail polish. In exchange for this the children must bring either wine, biscuits or sweets for the tombola stall on Fun Friday which is on Friday 12th July straight after school. 

  I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. Let us hope that the England football team can win on Sunday night so we can all come to school with smiles on our faces on Monday morning.

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