Friday 7 June 2024

I hope you all had a good half term break although it does feel like it was a long time ago when in fact it has only been a week. It is amazing how you can feel like you have never had a holiday when you have only been back at work for a day.

It has been a relatively quiet week in school this week as Year 6 have been on their school journey. They were at PGL in Weymouth. Then, after having a day to recover from all their exertions, they have spent today at ‘Go Ape’. I joined them for their activities and they have all been telling me about the great time they had while they were away. I am really pleased to hear this because I think that these type of school experiences are very important in a child’s life and we want to give them lots of good memories to take with them when they leave us. Mr Gradwell told me that he received many compliments about the Year 6 whilst they were away. It is great to hear how they have been a credit to their parents, the school and most importantly themselves.

A big event that took place in school this week was the auditions for the Talent Night. We have not run one of these since before the outbreak of Covid and I know that all the children who auditioned are excited at the prospect at performing on stage. As the Year 6 have been away this week I will have to audition them on Monday and then I will get the letters out so the families of the children taking part Know who they are early next week.  I have seen the acts that are going to take part and I am sure we are in for a very good night so make sure to purchase your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

I hope you all have a great weekend. It does look like we are going to have no rain so at least that is something to look forward to. 

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