Friday 22 November 2019

Another Friday another non-uniform day. Today the children were allowed to wear their own clothes as long as they brought in an item for a Christmas hamper. We now have a lovely pile of Christmas treats in school. With such temptation in front of me I just hope they last until December 6th when we have our Christmas treasure hunt.  More details about that event will follow shortly.

This week in school has been called ‘Just Talk’ and it has been about highlighting the importance of taking good care of your mental health. It is called ‘Just Talk’ because it has been proven that people who can talk about their concerns have less mental health issues than people who keep their concerns to themselves. As I have discussed in the past, the amount of children suffering with mental health issues has increased dramatically in recent times and so I think it is very important to teach children strategies to use when they feel overwhelmed by the world. A very popular strategy that we have introduced this week was the ‘Daily Mile’. We did not actually run a mile this week (and we are not doing it daily) but we got all the children to move continually for 5 minutes. In the coming weeks we are going to up this to 10 minutes and then eventually 15 minutes to ensure all children can complete a mile.

We ended the week with a real treat as it was the Year 4 assembly. They were presenting to us a selection of work that they have covered this term and it was both enjoyable and informative - I particularly liked their adaptation of the ‘Friends’ song where they had changed the lyrics to explain what they have been learning in class. I would like to thank the children for putting on such a good performance and I would like to thank Miss Bradford, Mrs Farrell and Miss Russon for helping them put it together.

Next week is a relatively calm week in school. I am glad for the calm though because the following week we are in December and that always brings lots of excitement into school - not least because the children are really hyped up at the thought of Father Christmas coming.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

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