Friday 16 December 2022

 It has certainly been a week to remember in school. I know everyone dreams of a white Christmas but I just wish that that dream had come true about a week later and I would have had a lot less headaches. I truly hoped that when the snow arrived on Sunday night (and it had not even been predicted to fall on Saturday) that it would all have gone by Monday morning but unfortunately that was not the case. I know it has looked very picturesque but on Monday I thought that after having two Christmases blighted by Covid we were going to have a third affected by the weather. Fortunately, that has not been the case and we have managed to run all our Christmas events this week.

We started with the Foundation and KS1 Christmas performances. The Foundation stage sang and performed some Christmas songs for us and then KS1 performed their show, ‘Prickly Hay’. Everyone who watched the performances thought they were great and it was lovely to have Christmas shows back in school after a 3-year absence. The children all did themselves proud and I would like to thank them and all my staff for all the hard work they put in to help put the performances together. The younger children also had their Christmas parties this week and they had a fabulous time at them. It was really great to see the excitement in their faces after they had had their visit from Father Christmas.

Another treat that we had in school this week was a visit from the ex- Arsenal and England footballer, Jack Wiltshire. It was really kind of him to come and see us in school and the children in Years 1 – 6 really enjoyed his visit (some Tottenham supporters even said that they are now going to support Arsenal). They asked him some very thoughtful and pertinent questions and he answered them all very well. He certainly got the message across that to achieve success you have to work hard and not to be put off by negative comments that some will make –he was a definite supporter of a growth mind-set without even realising it.

We ended the week with the choir performing at Mandeville Court. The old people (I had better stop calling them that because from my perspective they certainly are not looking as old as they used to) had their afternoon brightened by our choir’s beautiful singing and the choir really enjoyed performing all the carols for them. I really think doing things like this at Christmas is important because it helps bring joy to others which is what Christmas should all be about.

Next week we are only here for 3 days but there is still plenty to look forward to. On Monday night we have the KS2 carol concert which is on at the church at 7.00pm –children should start arriving at 6.45pm. On Tuesday KS2 are having their Christmas party and details about that will be in the class blogs. On Wednesday a company is performing the pantomime Cinderella to the whole school to help end the term on a high.

With so much going on and Christmas being so close the children will need to rest this weekend so they have the energy to get through to the end. The autumn term is a long term and with all the extra events that take place the children do get tired which can impact their behaviour so please do make sure that they do get enough sleep so they can enjoy the last few days of term. I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

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