Friday 11 November 2016

I have to admit that I am glad it is Friday. We have had a lot of staff absence this week and I am hoping that the weekend will allow everyone to rest and come back on Monday full of energy. Autumn is one of my favourite times of year but it is a shame that the lovely frost brings with it a wave of bugs and viruses which make people ill.

This time last week there was great anticipation about ‘Bonfire Night’ and from the comments of those that attended people were not disappointed. It was a great night and the weather was kind to us which also helps. We had one of our biggest attendances ever which will explain why we were so busy on the barbeque stall - the stream of people queuing never stopped until we had sold out of everything. I apologise if you were kept waiting for your food but I can assure you we were serving as fast as we could – I have new respect for people who work in fast food establishments. The good thing about us being so busy is that we should have raised a lot of money and as soon as we have the amount I will let you all know how much it is.

I would like to thank again all the members of the PTA who helped to organise the Bonfire Night and to all the people who helped them on the day (and with the clear up on Sunday morning) – without that support we would not been able to put on the events that we do and raise the money for school equipment that benefits all the children. The latest thing that we are in the process of purchasing is a new set of class cameras and a set of microphones to use with the computers. The PTA are also going to furnish our new foundation unit which has now gone out to tender and we are very optimistic that they are going to start building it in April 2017 – watch this space.

Have a great weekend and I will see you all again on Monday.

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