Friday 12 July 2019

The end is almost in sight - just one more week and two days till we can start our summer holiday. I know the children (and staff) are all looking forward to it but, I have to say, the children appear to be still applying themselves to their learning and playing well together outside. I hope I have not ‘jinxed’ the situation by saying that but I will let you know next week.

It has been quite a busy week in school because we have had parent consultations. It is nice to have a catch up with parents when they are in school. I know the children love sharing their learning with their parents. Most parents were very good and stuck to their allocated times so things did run quite smoothly which is always good. Apart from Year 6, you will all be back for the next parent consultation in October before you know it.

We also had our new children who will be joining us in September visiting the school this week which was lovely. What is hard for me to grasp is that I can remember when our current Year 6 were in the same position and that just seems like two minutes ago when it is actually eight years. I do tell parents this and they find it hard to believe but before they know it their children will be moving onto secondary school and beyond.

I am afraid that I am going to have to have a little moan. I have noticed that when some adults are picking up children from after school clubs that they are bringing their dogs onto the premises. For health and safety reasons dogs are not allowed on the school premises at any time. If you do bring your dog the child will have to come and meet you at the school entrance when their club has finished.

As it is Year 6’s last full week next week a lot of the events taking place which involve them. They have got their Leavers Party on Friday night and they are performing their show, ‘Paws and Claws’ to the school next Friday. I have glimpsed one or two rehearsals and I am very excited about seeing it.

There are no school clubs now until September 9th so if your child did attend one of these please remember to pick them up at the normal time. Have a great weekend and I will see again on Monday morning.

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