Friday 20 November 2020


November is flying by – I cannot believe that December is looming. I keep putting off thoughts of Christmas because with the current situation it is difficult to make plans. However, I will have to start to make some preparations because Christmas will still arrive. Although we will not be holding our usual Christmas events in school we will be holding some Christmas activities (within Covid 19 restrictions of course) and I will be sending out details about them shortly.

I hope you have all managed to access the learning platform at home. I know there have been a couple of teething problems for a few people but please let your class teacher know and they will support you with this. The children will be practising how to use it in school (not the foundation stage) so hopefully they will be able to access it themselves at home. It is important that you are familiar with how to use it because if any class has to isolate this is what we will be using for the home learning. Since the last lockdown the government have set out very specific specifications for what they expect schools to do for home learning since and the best way for us to achieve this is through the learning platform. We have been fortunate in that we have had no positive cases in school so far but if one does occur the home learning has to start immediately and we do not want people being unable to access it. We are in a national lockdown so with very little else to do it is a good time to improve our IT skills and practise using the TEAMs learning platform.

It has been anti-bullying week in school. It is something we do every year as we want to get the message across that we will not tolerate bullying. Hopefully, by constantly repeating the message year after year the children will understand what behaviour we expect from them and they will know what to do if they have negative experiences at school. If your child feels they are suffering from any forms of unacceptable behaviour, please make sure the school knows either by your child telling an adult or you informing the school yourself. We will investigate and although it may not be actual bullying behaviour we will be able to resolve the issue.

I hope you all have a good weekend. I know there is not much to do at the moment but do remember that whatever the weather, do try and get outside –you will feel better for it.

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