Friday 27 November 2020


We have been getting the decorations out of the loft today in preparation for Christmas. We always decorate the school from December 1st but some of the children think this is too late. I had quite an animated discussion with one of the classes in an assembly about when is the correct time to put up your decorations as the they thought the school was a little slow in getting them up. I know that a lot of people have been putting up their decorations earlier this year to help bring a bit of cheer outside and I can see why they would do that but in school we have to be a little more careful as a lot of children, when they see us preparing for Christmas, see it as a sign for slowing down and we do not want that to happen. We will be looking festive next week though so let us hope it does not affect the children’s work ethic but does bring them a bit of good cheer which we all need at the end of a challenging year.

I am really pleased that practically all of our parents are wearing masks when they drop off their children and are remaining socially distanced from the school. However, can I remind you that you need to remain socially distanced from each other and not chat in groups. I know Lockdown is hard and it is great to see other people but we need to do all we can to minimise the spread of the virus in our community. Some teachers are having difficulty when handing over children to parents because parents are not looking at the gates because they are talking to their friends. Remember at drop off and pick up you need to stay apart from others and then go home immediately when you have dropped off or picked up your child/children.

Next week the children have a ‘Mufti Day’ to look forward to on Friday. In exchange for not wearing their uniform the children have to bring in a donation for their class Christmas hamper. The children will also be watching a film in the afternoon as a thank you from all the PTA for their support. The PTA have sent out information about how you can purchase raffle tickets and I do advise you to get some. I have won one of these hampers in the past it and they really do contain some good Christmas goodies that bring cheer to everyone at home.

Have a great weekend – I know it is cold but it is lovely weather to go walking in so do try and get out for a family walk – as Joe Wicks says, “You never regret a work out.”

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