Friday 5 February 2021


I hope you enjoyed the ‘Big Bird Watch ‘weekend last week. I admit it was difficult to do much on Saturday because of the rain but I was out and about on Sunday. Where I live there are a lot of Red Kites and I do find it fascinating to watch how they appear to glide across the sky. I also feel quite scared when you get close to them (which you can do near where I live) because although I know they will do me no harm (or so I hope) they are big birds with sharp claws and beaks!

I would like to thank all those people who completed our questionnaire about online learning. We are grateful for all comments because we do want to provide you with the best quality package that we can. As remote learning is a relatively new thing for all of us it is an ever-evolving process and we are constantly reviewing how we can improve what we deliver. Even since we started in January we have added additional parts to our remote learning including reading groups and some social drop-in sessions which will start for KS2 next week. I would like to remind you all though that remote learning is a more time-consuming process than regular teaching which may mean that the school is not able to provide you with all the resources you would like.

Just one more week to go and then it is half term. I cannot believe that it has arrived already although when I think back to Christmas which is less than 6 weeks ago it feels like a lifetime has passed and I am sure that many of you feel the same way. There will of course be no home learning over the half term and it may be a good time to get your children to do activities away from any type of screen. Spending hours at a computer each day is not good for anyone but at the moment that is the only way we can continue with any semblance of our normal life so when we can get away from screens we should take the opportunity.

That is all from me –the weekend is looking quite dull but at least we can still get out. To be honest I will do anything to get away from the constant football matches which seem to be on all the time and which my husband ‘needs’ to watch. I would love to go back to the old days when all football matches were played at 3.00pm on a Saturday. Have a good weekend.

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