Friday 2 July 2021


Due to our Sports Day (which is being held over 3 days because of Covid restrictions) I have seen many of you this week which has been really lovely because it has been a long time since we have had parents on site. I know the children have all enjoyed the event and I hope you all enjoyed being here too. Even though we had to re-organise how we normally run it I think that all the effort was worthwhile because it makes us feel like we are returning to how things used to be. We will be completing the event on Monday (when all our isolating classes will have returned) and holding the presentation in the afternoon. I will announce the winner in my blog next week although I am sure you will know before that because all your children will have told you – especially if they belong to the winning house.

Our consultations are continuing next week as well. From what I hear from my teachers they are all going well and parents are finding them very informative. May I please remind you again to stick to your ten-minute slot - as I said last week if there is something you need to discuss in more detail you can make another appointment to meet with the teacher at a later date.

The Year 6 are also holding their ‘Apprentice’ event next week. Due to Covid restrictions this event is being held virtually (in line with many other retail businesses) but you may have been requested by your children who are in other classes if they can have some money to purchase some goods. If you could give them this, we would be most grateful. All the money raised (once we have covered our costs) is donated to charity so it is all for a worthy cause.

We are getting close to the end of term now. Part of me cannot believe that we are here already but another part of me feels like it has been a very long year because of all the disruptions that we have experienced. I can tell that it is getting to the end because many of the children are becoming tired which can make them all a little more fractious. Can I please ask that you do get them into bed at a reasonable time to ensure that they are getting enough sleep. I know that as the holidays approach it can be a little tempting to let their normal routine slip but regular learning is still taking place and with all the disruption they have experienced this year they do not need to lose a second of their learning time.

I hope you all have a good weekend –it looks like we are going to be getting some rain but we should not be surprised because that is typical for this country. We do have the England football team to watch on Saturday night – I am sure that they will appreciate our support to help them get through to the next round of the European Championships.

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