Friday 16 July 2021

 There has been a lot of excitement in school today because it has been ‘Break the Rules’ day which has meant that the children could replace certain items of their uniform with whatever they like. They have found this most enjoyable and I have seen some amazing hair creations and clothes combinations. I would like to thank the PTA for organising this and raising funds for the school. Hopefully, we will be able to get back to holding more events that the children can take part in next term because days like these are very good for raising everyone’s spirits which is definitely what we all need at the moment.

Year 6 have been very busy this week getting ready for their end of year performance. Fingers crossed that nothing gets in the way to stop them performing it or having their ‘Leaver’s Assembly’ but these are uncertain times that we live in. You will have seen from the letter that I sent out this week that although all restrictions are being lifted on Monday we are maintaining our ‘bubbles’ until next term so unfortunately the rest of the school cannot watch the show live. We were going to have it videoed by an external company but unfortunately the person who was going to do it for us has had to isolate so this is no longer possible. We are still going to video it ourselves so the hopefully the other classes will be able to watch the show which is called ‘Wow! What a Year!’.

Anyhow – we have just a few days to go until the lovely summer holidays. It has certainly been a challenging year for everyone and I would like to thank you for all your support which has helped to make my job easier. Let us hope that the lovely weather we are due to have this weekend lasts and we can have a really enjoyable break. I will not be writing another blog this term so I hope you all have a great holiday and I look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday, 2nd September.

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