Friday 10 September 2021

 The end of our first full week in school and it feels like everything is back to the way it should be – once clubs start again next week things will truly have returned to how they were. Everybody prefers the school this way - especially the younger children who are taking great delight in being part of whole school assemblies and being able to be near the older children. Let us hope that this lasts.

However, we cannot pretend that Covid is not still with us and like many of the other schools in Potters Bar we have had cases of Covid in the school since our return. Following national guidelines, we do not send classes home anymore and Test and Trace will contact you if your child has been considered a close contact. Even then they will not be sent home but should take a PCR test and only if the test comes back positive will they then need to isolate. If we do get what is considered an outbreak in the school, I will then have to seek guidance on how we proceed. There is further explanation about this in my latest newsletter.

We had our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings on Wednesday (except for Year 4 who will now have their sessions on Wednesday,15th September at the same times) and I know that all the parents who attended found them very informative. Many parents were just glad to be allowed back in the school –especially Year 1 parents whose only experience of being in the main school was from their initial visit to the school. I know some of you were unable to attend but the teachers will be putting details of what they discussed on their class blogs.

As I wrote earlier, school clubs start again next week. If you have not signed your children up for any of these, you will need to do so before next week on School Gateway. At ‘Meet the Teacher’ some parents said that they were unsure of how to do this but you can find details of how to access the School Gateway on my last newsletter.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I know that the weather is not going to be as good as it was at the beginning of the week but I think it is still going to remain warm which is one good thing. I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

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