Friday 17 June 2022

 I am coming to the end of a slightly longer week for me because the school took part in a walking float in the procession on Potters Bar Community Carnival Day which was last Sunday. I am not complaining though because it was a lovely day and it was great that so many of our school community could join us to help represent the school. Our procession was led by an amazing carriage with a model of the queen inside which was put together by Mrs Robinson (with some help from some of the children). It was admired by everyone and it quite rightly was awarded a highly commended sticker on the day.

We also had a lovely end to the week with the Year 2 assembly this morning. I know the children have thoroughly enjoyed preparing for it because they have been talking to me about it all week and they certainly did themselves proud this morning. It was obvious from watching this that they are enjoying their learning in Year 2 and I would like to thank them all for putting on such a great assembly. I would also like to thank Mrs Beadle, Mrs Blatch and Mrs Chapman (formerly Miss Southwell) and Ms Weller for all their hard work in preparing the children so well for their assembly.

As it is the end of term there appears to be extra events on every week and next week is no exception. On Monday we have a Sharing Assembly and you will have received notification if your child is taking part in this one. Unfortunately, I will not be present so the assembly will be led by Mr Gradwell as I have to attend some compulsory training. On Thursday we will be holding our annual Sports Day and I am sure that I will see many of you there. As I stated in my newsletter can you please ensure that during the running races you remain behind the taped fence because if you stand in front of this or in front of the finish line we cannot guarantee the safety of the children. Most parents do kindly follow this request but I always get one or two who do just want to get that bit closer but if I let one person through I would have to let everybody through and then it would defeat our objective which is to keep the children safe.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Originally this hot weather was meant to end today but after checking my weather APP the much predicted rain is now not coming until Sunday so you should have at least one nice day to look forward to over the weekend.

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