Friday 24 June 2022

 The highlight of this week has been our ‘School Sports Day.’ As with most events that we hold, the children have been very excited for this to happen. Even though we did hold this event last year all the classes had to be kept separate because of Covid restrictions and I think the children missed taking part with other year groups. It was great to see so many parents and friends in attendance and I hope you all had a good time. For those of you who do not know, the results are listed below:

1st Osborne

2nd – Thornton

3rd – Frampton

4th -Grangewood

I would like to thank the PTA for serving refreshments at the event and I would like to thank all my staff for their work in helping it run efficiently. I would like to give special thanks to Mr Mills for co-ordinating the whole event. I know that for a couple of weeks before the event he is busy with preparations for the Sports Day and although he does enjoy the occasion he always sleeps a bit more soundly when it is all over.

Next week is a very busy week in school because it is parent consultation week. I know that the teachers do look forward to speaking to parents so that you know exactly how your child is progressing in school. However, may I remind you again that these appointments are for 10 minutes so please do keep to your time slot. If you feel that there is an issue that you would like to discuss in more detail, please make an appointment to meet with the teacher again at a later date. One person overrunning can have a huge impact on everybody else who is waiting to speak to their child’s teacher.

As well as being Parent Consultation Week we also have the Reception assembly to look forward to next week. This is the first time these children are performing an assembly for their parents and I know they are very excited about it. I have seen some of the rehearsals and I know we are in for a treat. Year 2 also have their ‘Florence Nightingale Day’ to look forward to on Tuesday. Days like these are great for the children because they help commit learning to their long term memory because the experience is exciting and such fun for them that they remember it for years to come.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

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