Friday 14 October 2022

 We have had another lovely end to the week because we had the Year 5 assembly this morning. It was lovely to watch all the learning that the children have covered in this half term –they covered so much that it was difficult to believe that they have only been in school for six weeks. Although some of the children were a little nervous they did themselves proud - it is not easy presenting to a crowded room when you are not used to it. I would also like to thank Mrs Cresswell and Mrs Onley in helping them prepare for their assembly.

I did say how last week was a challenging week in school because of illness and although not as many staff have not been ill this week we have still had illness passing through the school - it has even reached me. I have been battling a cold virus this week and even though it has not been necessary for me to be absent, those of you who have spoken to me will have noticed that I have had rather a strained voice. Hopefully the weekend will allow me to return to my healthy self.

Next week is going to be a really busy week in school because it is Equalities Week and it is Parent Consultation Week. It is great to have parents in school and I know that you all love to meet your teachers so you can support your children’s learning. As I did in my newsletter, may I remind you that you must stick to your allocated time slot with your class teacher. If you feel that you need more time to discuss any issues you may have you will need to book an appointment to see them at a later date. It is unfair on other parents if you run over and then everyone’s schedule gets disrupted.

During our Equalities Week we will be covering items such as racism and gender stereotyping . I think it is important to cover this because children need to learn that everyone should be who they are and not feel it necessary to change themselves just to please other people. It is also important that children learn to accept people who are different to themselves. We are ending the week by taking part in ‘Wear Red Day’ which is a celebration of the anti –racism movement. The children do not have to wear uniform on this day but must wear at least one red item. They should also donate at least £1 to the ‘Wear Red’ charity. It will certainly give us a very colourful end to the half term.

As I have just mentioned, it is going to be half term at the end of next week. I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. When the year starts you feel that the half term is ages away and yet in what feels like the blink of an eye here we are.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you in school next week.

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