Friday 16 February 2024

 There has been a really party feel to the end of the week. It has been ‘Crazy Hair Day’ in school and people have certainly gone to town with their hair. This followed our Spring discos last night. They were both well attended and from what I saw all the children were having a great time. Both these events have been organised by our wonderful PTA and I cannot thank them enough for all the amazing events that they put on to help raise funds for the school. Little Heath would certainly not be the well -resourced school that it is without all their support. The next event that they are putting on is a quiz night on March 2nd. I hope to see many of you there.

Apart from the PTA events there have also been a lot of other events taking place in school. Tuesday was certainly a busy day as Reception and Year 1 had a trip to the Snow Centre at Hemel Hempstead and Year 5 had a Viking Day in the hall. I went to the Snow Centre and it was lovely to see the excitement on the children’s faces at seeing the snow inside the centre. Most of them found going down the slopes very exciting although a couple were a little scared and I can understand that feeling as well. They all gave it a go though which is the main thing.

I did not take part in the Viking day as I was at the Snow Centre but I did catch up with the man running the event on my return to school and he told me that he had a fabulous day with the Year 5 children. He told me that their behaviour was exemplary and that he was amazed at the amount of knowledge that they knew about the Vikings –he said that they could answer questions that children from other schools had never been able to answer. I certainly felt very proud at that moment.

Next week it is the half term break which I am sure you are all looking forward to –I know that I am. I hope you all have a fabulous break and I look forward to seeing you all again on February26th. 

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