Friday 2 February 2024

 We had a lovely end to the week as Year 3 performed their class assembly for us this morning. I always enjoy a class assembly and as usual, the Year Three one did not disappoint. The assembly was based on the learning they did this year and they actually wrote it themselves! The class did a fantastic job in presenting it and I would like to thank them for doing it so well –it is not an easy thing to present to a large audience when you are so young. I would also like to thank Miss Davis, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Ameen for helping them to prepare for their assembly.

I also had a lovely start to the week as I attended the O2 on Monday with the choir for a Young Voices concert. This was a fantastic experience for the children and I have included a couple of pictures from the concert although they are not the best quality- all the lights and the flashing cameras make it difficult to take good picture. The choir all had a great day and they were all a credit to the school both for their performance and their behaviour. Not many people know but leaving the O2 and getting back to the carpark after a Young Voices concert is quite a challenge with so many schools being there but the children made it very easy –unlike some of the stewards who at times seem quite determined to split our group in two. I know all of those children who can, would love to do it again next year. I must give big thanks to Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Robinson who gave up their time to prepare the choir for this event.

I have had a lovely week but I am going to have to have a little moan about uniform. I have noticed that there are some lapses coming into the uniform. As I have mentioned before some of the KS2 pupils are coming to school without their ties which is not acceptable and I have noticed that some children are wearing black tights and leggings in school when they should be grey. Can you please ensure that your child is dressed in the correct school uniform (and this includes their socks). If you are unsure of what it is, please check our website. If you have any problems in purchasing your child’s uniform, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Next week is another busy week in school. It is Children’s Mental Health Week and the children will be carrying out some activities related to this in school. As we all know taking care of your mental health is just as important as any other part of your health and we do give children strategies in school on how to manage this. It is also Safer Internet Day and we will be reminding the children again of the importance of how to keep themselves safe whilst they are using technology.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend – it is definitely warmer which makes you feel like spring is on the way. I will be seeing some of you on Monday morning as a Sharing Assembly is taking place – those of you who have children involved will have been informed.

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