Friday 16 October 2020


It has been a bit of an emotional day in school today because Mrs Ilott has left us after working at the school for 14 years. She has been a wonderful asset to the school and we are really sorry to see her go. I am sure that you will join with me in thanking her for her services to the school and wishing her every success for the future.

We have started running some of the extra-curricular clubs this week and they have been very popular with the children. I am glad that we have been able to do this because I do think that school should be about more than just teaching the national curriculum. However, our after school clubs have been affected by the fact that ’Kids ’n’ Clubs’ now has to operate in the main school hall to allow for social distancing so we will now have to cancel clubs if it is raining as we now cannot move the club indoors.

As has been the norm since the beginning of term we have had members of the school community being tested for Covid 19 because they are displaying the symptoms or they have had to isolate because someone in their household has been displaying the symptoms. As yet we have not had a positive case reported this term which has meant that we have not had to send any classes home which is great. May I just remind parents that if your child is displaying any of the symptoms of Covid 19 which are:

• a high temperature

• a new continuous cough

• a loss or change in normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

then you must keep your child at home and arrange for them to have a test. You can book a test by going to ‘’ or by calling 119. If you are unsure you can check their symptoms on the NHS website or contact 111. Can I emphasize that whilst you are unsure of the symptoms all members of the household need to isolate and that includes siblings in the school. I know that if we all follow this guidance we will be able to help minimise the spread of the virus in the community.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday. I cannot believe that this time next week we will be breaking up for half term – the time has just flown by.

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