Friday 4 December 2020


Ugh! What a horrible end to the week with all the rain and cold weather. With all the Covid restrictions that we have had to put in place one of the worst things we can have is rain as it has a big impact on our PE timetable  We really should not be having many indoor PE sessions and  Mr Mills has been very good at adapting the timetable to meet the new restrictions (including making very good use of the outdoor classroom) but the rain does make things more difficult. As I have mentioned before it is vital that your children do have outdoor clothing for PE because they will be going outside and we do not want them feeling cold –this should include a long sleeve top and some long trousers/jogging bottoms.

Thank you for all the donations that were sent in today. As I type this all the children are enjoying a film as a way of a thank you. Next week the PTA are going to put together Christmas hampers which will be raffled on Friday. Remember you are able to purchase tickets for £1 each through the Raffall link: I have already purchased my tickets and I have got my fingers crossed that I am going to be lucky again. I have won one in the past and it was one of the highlights of my Christmas.

As well as the hamper raffle we also have Christmas Jumper Day next Friday. The children can wear a Christmas jumper as long as they bring in at least a pound for the ‘Save the Children’ charity. Next Friday is also the day we are having our Christmas lunch. Although the children cannot have their lunch all together as a school they will all be having their lunch together in the classroom with their teacher so it will still be a special occasion for them.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Even though we cannot go out as much I am finding the weekends busy with all the preparations for Christmas so I do hope you find some time to relax. I look forward to seeing you all again on Saturday morning.

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