Friday 11 December 2020

We are nearly there –as I have been discussing with the children in assembly this week – ‘There is light at the end of the tunnel.’  Fingers crossed that all goes well and we can finish as a whole school next week but we are still not in a position to take any chances. Although there is a vaccine here, with other vaccines due to follow, we still have to be vigilant. I would like to thank all those parents who are being vigilant and are socially distancing outside although there are still a minority standing around in groups, facing in, talking to each other. This is against all advice sent out about Covid-19 and I would like this practice to stop. Even one person getting the virus in our community could start a chain reaction which could mean that we have to close the whole school and we do not want that to happen.

It is Christmas in school though and the children have enjoyed a very festive day. It was Christmas Jumper Day and I would like to thank everyone for sending in their donations. Due to Covid restrictions we will count it next week and we will let you know how much we have raised – either through our newsletter or in my blog. The children also had their Christmas lunch today and although the majority of them had to have it in their classrooms it was still a very festive and enjoyable occasion.

You may have heard some rumblings through the press that schools are closing on December 17th but we are not. To do this we would have to alter our INSET days and we did not want to do this because it would affect our dates for 2021 as well. The government were only doing this because Heads have to be responsible for informing members of their school community if there is an outbreak of Covid for six days after schools break up which means that we have to be contactable on Christmas Eve which a lot of the unions objected to. However, we have decided to close on December 18th as planned. Due to Covid restrictions we cannot all leave at 2.00pm so we will be sending out our modified finish times for next Friday in our newsletter.

Next week it is Elf Day on Friday. I know all the children are looking forward to it and I hope you have all the outfits ready. Remember that all the children need to bring in a food donation to give to a food bank. Have a great weekend. I know I am going to because I was lucky enough to have won one of the PTA hampers so I will enjoy eating and drinking some of its contents. I hope you all have a great weekend too. 

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