Friday 14 May 2021


I am looking out from my window at our new climbing wall. The company came to install it yesterday and the children were all very excited to see it.  We did have a wall there before but it had begun to look rather jaded so we decided to replace it. Having a climbing wall in our school is all part of our policy of trying to offer the children as wide a range of activities as possible so we can keep them as active as possible. This is good for both their physical and mental wellbeing.

As I am discussing physical activities may I remind you all that it is ‘Walk to School Week’ next week. We will be covering this in school and whilst we always encourage children to walk (or scoot or cycle) to school it would be good if those who do not normally walk could make an effort to do so. Even those of you who have to drive to school (and I know that some of you have to do this) could make an effort to come to school a little earlier next week and park a little distance from the school so your child and you can walk the last ten minutes to school. The benefits of walking to school have been proven and it does have a significant impact again on both their physical and mental wellbeing so please make an effort to take part.  

You will all know that there are some further changes to the lockdown rules happening on Monday and we can start meeting some of our friends indoors again (hurray) but the changes that are occurring do not really impact how we run the school so everything will be remaining as it is for now. The big date for us (at the moment) is June 21st and if we keep following the guidelines and there are no further outbreaks then we will be able to go back to allowing the children to mix more freely in school. Hopefully this will happen but we do not want to do anything too early so that we have to go back into a lockdown situation – I do not think that anyone wants that.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Personally I cannot wait for next weekend when I can actually go out and not have to be dressed up like ‘Dora the Explorer’.

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