Friday 21 May 2021


I cannot believe that after next week it is half term – where has May gone? It could be because we have had so much rain that it has felt like March that we have not noticed its passing. I know there is a saying that you should ’Ne’er cast a clout till May is out’ (for those younger people that means you should never put your warm clothing away until May is over) but unless the weather changes dramatically my summer clothing will be staying in the loft until 2022. The good thing about the recent weather is that my car was looking rather dirty but with all the recent rain it is looking quite clean again so at least I have been saved a job.

I know I keep bringing it up but can you remind children to take care and look out for other people when they are on their scooters. We still have children riding their scooters down the middle of the road which is not safe and some children are going so fast that they are riding into other people. Just today we had a child coming into school quite distressed because somebody had ridden their scooter into them. Luckily they were okay but we do not want a serious accident to occur before people take notice.

As we still do not have parents on site many of you will not know that our new secretary has joined us. Her name is Tania Heath and she started at the school on Tuesday. We are very pleased to have her join us and I am sure you will all make her feel welcome when you meet her (eventually).

That is all for now. I am looking forward to going out this weekend and actually sitting inside a restaurant. Just to be in the warmth and not having to eat your food at a breakneck speed so that it does not get cold is going to be such a luxury. As many of you may have picked up I am not a fan of the cold and the last lockdown was difficult for me because of that. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

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