Friday 25 February 2022

 It has been good being back in school again. I was fortunate in that I only experienced mild symptoms when I had Covid but being stuck in a room by yourself is not as good as it sounds - especially as I was not even in my own room because it is in the process of being refurbished. Luckily I was able to come out of my holding pen on the first Monday of half term so I was able to enjoy a good break before returning to school.

As we had such a major outbreak before the half–term we had to operate in ‘outbreak’ mode this week so next week is going to be far more exciting for the children. Because we have very few cases of Covid in school now, as I explained in the newsletter, we will be returning to our ‘normal’ mode of operating on Monday and, hopefully, we will be able to remain like this for the foreseeable future. All the extra-curricular clubs are starting again (with the exception of karate which will now start after Easter) and it is World Book Day on Thursday. The children love coming dressed in their character costumes and the staff are also doing something but you will have to wait to see what it is on Thursday!! Children in Year 2 have also got their ‘Fire of London’ day to look forward to. This was cancelled because of our Covid outbreak and although we were offered an online version we thought the children would get far more from the ‘live’ version and they will finally get to experience that on Friday.

I know that a lot of children will be going home nervous today because it is when they receive their annual school report. I do not think that any of the children have too much to worry about. Do share the reports with your children but please do focus on the comments which offer constructive advice on how they can improve in their learning. We work hard on developing a growth mind set in school and it would be good if this is followed up at home.

I hope you all have a great weekend with no Covid restrictions. It will be interesting to see how we manage with that or whether they will need to be re-instated in the future – only time will tell!


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