Friday 1 July 2022

 I have seen many of you in school this week because it has been ‘Parent Consultation Week’. It has been good seeing so many of you in school and I hope that you found your consultation useful. I know that the teachers found them a positive experience. Do remember though that if you do have any concerns about your child you do not have to wait for a parent consultation to discuss it with your child’s teacher –you can contact them anytime by email or telephone.

As well as the parent consultations we have had parents in school for two assemblies this week. On Monday we had a Sharing Assembly where children present work they are proud of. This can be quite a daunting experience for a child but we like the children to have experience of presenting in this way because it is a good skill for them to acquire. Very often, as you would expect, our Year 1 children need support from the older children to be able to do this but I am very pleased to tell you that all of the children managed to present their own work without any support from anyone in this assembly. They should all feel very proud of themselves.

Our Reception children also did themselves proud this morning when they put on their class assembly for their parents. It was a lovely assembly based around some of the learning that they have covered in class –we certainly enjoyed all the songs that they sang for us. It was a lovely end to a very busy week in school. I am so pleased that we have been able to re-introduce the class assemblies this year because I do think that they are an important part of school life. I would like to congratulate the children on presenting their assembly so well and I would like to thank Mrs Sheehan and all the foundation staff for their hard work in helping the children prepare for their assembly.

After such a busy week I am glad that we have a long weekend to look forward to so that we can recuperate and be refreshed for our return to school on Tuesday, 5th July. Remember that on Friday next week (July 8th) it is the PTA’s ‘Break the Rules Day’ where the children can break some of the uniform rules in exchange for bringing in some wine or chocolate towards the ‘Fun Day Friday’ which is the following week. Next Friday is also the day when the Year 6 will be holding their annual ‘Apprentice’ event so the children can bring in some money if they wish to purchase items from the stalls. All

Have a great weekend everyone!

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