Friday 16 September 2022

 The summer seems like a dim and distant memory now – not just because we are back at school but because there has been a definite change in the weather. There is certainly a chill in the air now and it is strange to feel this because it has not been cold for such a long time –I will have to start digging out all of my winter woollies soon if the weather gets much colder.

All the extra school clubs started this week which gets the children very excited and this year all the sporting leagues and events should be running as normal which is even better for the children. Let us hope that nothing happens this year to stop all these events taking place because it can be very disappointing and demoralising for the children.

Fortunately, this year there are no sanctions in place which affect how the children arrive and leave school. However, may I remind everyone that children are not allowed on the school climbing equipment before or after school and they should not be playing football at this time either. I have had a couple of complaints from parents about children being hit in the face by balls at this time and this is not acceptable. We will be reminding the children in school about this and we would appreciate it if you can remind your children about not doing this as well. We do not want a child to get seriously injured before we all start following this request.

We have not had a full normal start to the term because of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. As you know Monday 19th September has been declared a Bank Holiday so that most of the country can watch her funeral. I will certainly be watching because I really think that she served the country the best she could during her reign. I look forward to seeing you all again Tuesday, 20th September. 

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