Friday 18 November 2022

 I have been seeing spots before my eyes all day. I have not taken ill or gone mad – I am sure that you have guessed that it is because of all the spotty clothes that the children have been wearing for Children in Need. We have received a lot of donations so far but if you have not made your donation online please do so soon, so that we can send our contribution through to the Children in Need appeal.

It has also been ‘Anti- Bullying Week’ in school this week. I think that this is a very important week because we highlight the importance that nobody has the right to bully anybody else. It also ensures that children know what to do if they think they are being bullied so they can make sure it stops. As I keep reminding the children, ‘80% of bullying would not exist if people reported incidents of unacceptable behaviour within 10 minutes of them happening’.

I think that we would all agree that there has been a drop in the temperature and that autumn is definitely with us. However, even though it is cold, a number of children are coming to school without a coat. A significant thing that the ‘Covid experience’ taught us all was the importance of the outdoors for children’s wellbeing. Unless the weather is really bad we do send the children outside for their breaks and after their lunch so can you please ensure that you send your child into school with a coat that is suitable for the outdoors.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I do not want to mention the ‘C’ word yet but I think we know that it is fast approaching and that we will have to start our preparations for the festive season soon (if we have not already started them) but I do hope that you can all still find the time this weekend to relax. I am sure many of you are also looking forward to the football starting next week. On Monday the first England game starts at 1.00pm so we will be showing it in  classes. Let us hope that we can go one step further than we did in the European Championships and bring home a trophy. 

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