Friday 24 February 2023

As you all probably know now I am not going to be in for the next two weeks as I am having a minor operation on Monday and then will need 2 weeks off to recover from the operation. I am feeling very strange about it all as I have never been off work for this length of time but I am going to make sure that I follow the doctor’s advice because I do not want to return too quickly and then have to be off again. In my absence Mr Gradwell will be in charge so if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact him.

Today is a day a lot of children dread because the annual school reports have been sent home for Years 1- 6.  I have read all the reports and I do not think that any of the children have anything too serious to worry about although I do hope that they pay attention to the teachers’ comments –if they follow their advice they cannot help but be successful in their learning. Please remember to sign into Arbor so that we know you have received it.

Even though I am not going to be in there are still going to be exciting things happening in school. The big event for next week is going to be World Book Day which is on Thursday. We have not made a big deal about children getting dressed up this year as book characters which is why we are allowing them to wear their pyjamas if they want to. This is because these are difficult times and we do not want anybody having to spend unnecessary money on costumes that are only worn once. I know of some schools that just allow the children to wear their uniform on World Book Day because of this reason. I know that the teachers have planned lots of fun activities to do with books on this day. 

On Friday 3rd March, Jennifer Bell will be visiting the school to hold an assembly with all the children, and then carry out some writing activities with Yrs 4, 5 and 6. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure her for World Book Day but I know the children will be excited to meet her the following day. 

I hope you all have a good weekend. There is great excitement in my house because Newcastle are in the Carabao Cup final and I have family joining me as they are going to watch it on Sunday –let us hope they are not too disappointed with the result. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2 weeks.

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