Friday 28 April 2023

 It was with amazement that I looked at the calendar and I realized that it is going to be May next week. As it has been one of the coldest starts to a year it certainly does not feel like it is going to be May but apparently the warmer weather is on its way so let us hope that May does bring us warmth and sunshine.

Cold weather has not dampened our spirits in school and there have been lots of exciting things taking place. Year 1 have been on a trip to Willows farm which they thoroughly enjoyed and the choir, by popular demand, returned to perform at Mandeville Court. Year 3 and 4 have also been involved in some football matches and were fortunate to win both of their matches against Pope Paul.

Next week starts with the first of the three bank holidays that are going to take place in May –we are going to find it strange in June when we have to go to work on a Monday although in Little Heath we also have the first Monday in June off as well. Even though it is a shorter week there is still a lot taking place in school as many in Year 5 are taking part in Bikeability classes. If your child is taking part in these sessions, they can leave their bike chained to the fence if there is no room in the bike shed. They will be able to leave their bikes in school during the week as they will be locked in the school hall to keep them safe overnight.

The big event of next week though is our coronation celebration which is taking place on Friday afternoon at 2.00pm (weather permitting). The children are all rehearsing their dances and are really looking forward to performing them to you. As was explained in this week’s newsletter refreshments will be served by the PTA at this event and donations from parents will be greatly received. You may send them into school from May 4th.

I hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday, 2nd May.


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