Friday 29 September 2023

 We have had another lovely week in school. There is still some warmth in the air and we have even had some sunshine although we do know that autumn is well on its way because it is becoming darker earlier in the evenings.

The after school clubs have been running for a while now and I do know that the children love attending them. However, may I remind you that children should be signed on in advance to attend the club and they should not just be turning up on the day the club is running for a one off session.  If children cannot attend they should tell the person running the club in advance. The clubs are not organised for the children to attend only if they feel like it. Once they sign up they should make a commitment to attend and if they do not enjoy the club they should inform the person running it so they can be removed from the club list allowing other children to join.  

I am looking forward to next week because one of my favourite events of the year, our Harvest Festival, is on next Friday. I hope you have checked our newsletter for the slot that your child will be performing in although it is a flexible arrangement and if you need to take both of your children out at the same time we can accommodate that. Please remember to send in your donations of cakes and biscuits on Wednesday and Thursday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

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