Friday 19 November 2021

 What a week it has been! We started with ‘Odd Sock day’ for Anti-Bullying Week and ended the week with ‘Children in Need’ and a wonderful Year 4 assembly. After all the excitement I am certainly ready for the weekend.

The year 4 assembly covered all the work they have completed so far in the term but did focus on their rain forest work. I was amazed about how much knowledge they have covered and I am now far better informed about the rain forest than I was before and I know that all the parents who watched were amazed at the quality of work that their children produced. I would like to thank all the children for putting on such a great assembly and to Mrs Bidder and Mrs Stevenson for all their hard work in co-ordinating the whole event and all their wonderful teaching throughout the term that has allowed the children to learn so much.

I have been seeing spots in front of my eyes all day because a lot of the children have been wearing their ‘Children in Need’ merchandise. This is a wonderful charity to support as it helps make the lives of children with additional needs so much better. Today the children could have brought in cash or made a contribution to our ‘just giving’ link for this event and so far - combining both amounts  - we have raised £535.06. If you have not made a contribution so far you can go to our ‘Just Giving ‘ page  -I have copied the link below:

Last Friday I spent a wonderful evening at Ashridge House in Berkhampsted as it was the Herts Catering Awards and our cookery team were up for an award. Unfortunately, they did not win but I still think we are very fortunate to have a team of wonderful cooks who got down to the last three in their category. Below is a picture of them receiving their award – all glammed up and looking very different to how they normally do in the kitchen. I do wonder if the children would be able to recognise them from this photograph!

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

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