Friday 5 November 2021

 I hope that you all had a great half term. I cannot believe that it is already November and that the ‘C’ word will soon be dominating our thoughts and conversations (not just yet though). At the minute the thing that is dominating our thoughts is our annual firework event which is tomorrow night. If you have not bought your tickets already there is still time to do so but get in quick because tickets are selling out fast. All the money raised is used to buy extra resources for your children and in these challenging times we are going to have to raise more funds so that we can ensure the quality of your child’s education is not affected by a lack of quality resources. I cannot thank the PTA enough for all the effort they have put into organising this event.

I know you have all received my letter informing you of how masks are now compulsory for all adults to wear when they are in the school building (staff will not wear them when they are working with the children). This is a Hertfordshire initiative and has been introduced because we do have high rates of Covid infection in the county and do need to take extra measures to ensure that we curb the spread of the virus. This does mean though that when you come into school (even if it is just to pop into the office) you must wear a mask (unless you are exempt on medical grounds).

You will all also know that we are selling poppy products in school to help support The Royal British Legion Poppy Charity. This is a very worthy cause and one that we support every year. This year they have out down a minimum amount for each item and we will be sticking to this – however you can pay more if you want to. What we cannot do is give change as the donation pot is sealed so if you do send money in with your child can you please ensure that they have the exact amount that you want to donate.

That is all for now. I hope to see many of you at the fireworks for what I know will be an amazing night. There is no rain forecast so that is good news. Next week in school we are having our first Sharing Assembly in almost two years so I will also see some of you there. Have a great weekend

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