Friday 7 January 2022

 Welcome back and Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful break. I certainly had a better time than last year when my whole family had Covid but fortunately we were all well this year. I know that some of our families had Covid over the break this year but I hope that if that was you that nobody was too ill and that you all managed to get some rest over the holiday.

As you will know we have a number of cases of Covid in school at the end of the autumn term and because of that we were bubbling the classes. As requested by county (and because the rates of Covid are still high across the country) we will be keeping the classes in bubbles for at least the first couple of weeks of term to ensure that we do reduce the risk of the infection spreading across the school and children having to be absent from school. As well as keeping the classes in bubbles we will continue with our enhanced cleaning routine, the frequent handwashing and keeping the classrooms well ventilated which are also effective measures in reducing the spread of infection in school.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I know the temperature has dropped but according to my weather App (which has not always been the most reliable) Sunday looks like it is going to be sunny so we should be able to get outside for some of it. I am of the opinion that as long as it is sunny it is enjoyable to be outside. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

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