Friday 15 July 2022

 I know in the past I have complained about our lack of summer but we certainly cannot complain about it this week. We have had glorious sunshine all week and I do feel that it has helped get us into the holiday spirit in preparation for next week. I know some of you have been concerned about how your children are managing the heat but we have been taking sanctions to support them such as bringing them in early during the lunchtime to make sure that they do not spend too long in the midday sun. As you will know from our text that we sent out today due to the temperatures rising next week we are going to abandon school uniform for the rest of term and allow the children to come into school wearing loose light coloured clothes to help them remain cool in school. They cannot wear open toed shoes because this will be dangerous for them as they move around the school and will increase their chances of tripping or injuring their feet.

Due to the predicted heatwave for next week we held our annual ‘Teachers v Year 6’ rounders match first thing this morning. The rest of the school came out to watch (they sat in the shade of the trees to keep them cool) which they thoroughly enjoyed although I do think that there was more cheering for the Year 6 than the teachers (how rude). The Year 6 did end up as the winners but they only just beat the teachers as the score line was 5-4 in their favour.

The end of term is upon us though and I do find that quite hard to believe. I can remember the beginning of the academic year so well that it feels like it was just a couple of weeks ago. We did not know what the year held in store for us then and although we have had a couple of blips due to Covid outbreaks I think we have managed to get through the whole year really well. I would like to thank all my staff for their hard work and dedication in helping us to get to this point because they have all had to put in a lot of extra work to make this possible. I know you will join me in thanking them for all their efforts and wishing them a happy and restful holiday.

Next week is all going to be about Year 6 as they leave us to join their various secondary schools. I know they are all going to be happy in their new schools but it is always sad to see them go. We do try our best to give them a good send-off though and I know they are all looking forward to performing their show and sharing their memories of school in the Leavers Assembly as well as having a big rave-up at their Leavers Party. Let us hope that these occasions will be a few of the happy memories that they take away from Little Heath.

The good weather is going to remain with us so I am sure there are going to be a lot of barbeques held over the weekend – I know I am thinking of having one if I can get to the butchers before they run out of produce. I hope you all have an enjoyable time and I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday for the last time in this academic year.

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