Friday 9 June 2023

 I hope you all had a great half – term - having that extra Monday on the end did make it feel like a long holiday. We now just have to get our heads down and work hard for the last half term before the long summer holiday. I know some children feel that as it is the last half term they do not have to work as hard but that is certainly not the case. Such is the size of the curriculum that it does take a full year to cover it and not just five sixths of the year so please support us with this by ensuring that your children stick to their regular routine (Including getting to bed at an appropriate time) until the end of the year and that they do not start their holiday early.

Thanks to our amazing PTA we are replenishing the books in our school including the library. Whilst we have been checking through all of our books we have realised that we have a lot of books missing. I know that we did lose some during lockdown when it was not as easy for us to keep track of everything but those times have passed so if your child takes a school book home can you please make sure they return it. If children do not return books, we may have to ask for a contribution towards buying a new book. With school budgets being so tight we cannot afford to keep replacing unreturned books.

It looks like it is going to be a warm weekend and even though we are being warned about the dangers of being in the sun for too long I intend to enjoy it. It has been so grey and rainy in recent times I am not going to apologise for enjoying the warm weather. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday morning.

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