Friday 8 March 2024

 It has certainly been a very exciting week on school.  It started on Monday when the interviews were held to find who would replace me in September. As the children were involved in some of the activities it was quite an unusual day for them as well but I think they did enjoy meeting all the different candidates. It was an extremely rigorous process for all the people involved but as you all know Mr Gradwell was the successful candidate. I know that parents as well as all the school staff are pleased with that result. I am really glad that he was successful as I have worked very happily with him for 6 years and I know that Little Heath Primary School is very important to him and that he will work very hard to ensure that the school keeps moving forward successfully.

Yesterday was another exciting day as it was World Book Day.  I think it is very important to keep the profile of reading high as it is one of the most important life skills for children to acquire. The children all looked great in their costumes and I got a lot of compliments about my costume as I came dressed as Cruella De Ville. The worrying thing is that people kept telling me that it was a great costume but 85% of it was actually all my own clothes –perhaps I need to make some changes to my wardrobe! For those of you who did not see me, I have included a photograph of how I looked below.

We ended the week with the Year 2 Assembly. It was based on the learning that the children have covered this term and the class presented it really well. The continent song that they sang at the end was very popular with everyone in the assembly. I would like to thank the children for doing such an amazing job and I would Like to thank Mrs. Beadle, Mrs. Alimadadi and Mrs Rexhaj for their work in helping them put it together.

Next week is another action-packed week in school as it is Science Week. The children really enjoy this as they love carrying out all the practical activities and experiments. To help make it even more interesting for the children we have an external company coming into school on Thursday and Friday to carry out some additional activities with the children.

Just to add to the excitement it is Red Nose Day on Friday. I know the children have been purchasing red noses and they can wear them next Friday. They also do not have to wear uniform as long as one of the items they are wearing is red. As this is such a worthy cause I decided to hold a cake sale at the end of the day to help us raise some extra money for the charity. Items for the cake sale can be brought into school from Thursday. Please do not send in any produce containing nuts and if you want your cake container returned please make sure that it has your name on it.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. There have been glimpses of Spring this week so hopefully we will see some of them over the weekend.

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