Friday 3 November 2023

 I hope you all had a great half-term. It was lovely to get an extra hour’s rest on Sunday although the darker nights are not a good thing. I know the start of autumn and the colder weather can be depressing but there are so many good things to look forward to in this half-term that it makes the cold damp conditions much easier to bear.

One of those things that we have to look forward to is our Fireworks display which is taking place tomorrow night. This is always one of the highlights of the school calendar and is thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend. It is a really good fundraiser for the school so I do hope to see many of you there. Even if the weather is not great as long as you wrap up well the weather does not matter when you are watching the visual spectacle of fireworks exploding in the sky. I do hope that I see lots of you there. If you see me, please do speak to me because sometimes it is hard to pick up faces in the dark and if I do not acknowledge you it is because I have not recognised your face.

Another thing to look forward to is our first Sharing Assembly which is on Monday morning. If your child is taking part, you will have received a letter I do like to see children sharing learning that they are proud of and I think that having to present it to an audience is a great skill to develop for their future life. I know that many of the children do get nervous before doing this but then feel very proud of themselves when they have completed their presentation.

That is all for now. I do hope you have an enjoyable weekend and I hope to see many of you at the fireworks tomorrow night.

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